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#Article now available! From the lab to the bench: scaling up regulatory #Tcelltherapy Case study exploring the potential of thymic-derived Tregs, which offer superior potency, stability, and scalability compared to blood-derived cells. Access below: https://t.co/UTFsVs9uGk
Preparing for success in #genetherapy analytical development In this #article, challenges of keeping up to date with evolving CMC guidance in gene therapy are discussed Read below: https://t.co/Cgz1PbeRAS
Highlights from the Cell and #GeneTherapy Summits: what’s next for #advancedtherapies? This #eBook summarizes key insights from academia and #biotech, investors, regulators, solutions providers, and patient advocates. Access below: https://t.co/vWhnJaWzUX
Accelerating #genetherapy downstream process development through #DoE and #scalablechromatography The following content delves into how the DoE methodology can streamline downstream process development Access below: https://t.co/ZIId09g2vz
Producing engineered #extracellularvesicles with a platform approach In this #webinar, materials and methods to enable the expression of #biomolecules on #EVs are discussed. Register below: https://t.co/DwjHB2oiWY
Navigating the opportunities and challenges in analytical development of #flowcytometry for #Tcelltherapy In this #article, polymer-based cell mimics that can be applied across all aspects of flow cytometry analysis are introduced Read below: https://t.co/8UXRvSvuHp
#AAV downstream challenges: expert insights This article provide explores the latest trends and issues in #AAVmanufacturing, and specifically, how to address downstream processing challenges. Read below: https://t.co/6BMnk9ITjb
Advancing #AAV manufacturing: strategic insights and cost-effective solutions for the future of #genetherapies This #webinar will share insights on how to achieve a successful and efficient #AAVmanufacturing process Register now: https://t.co/18vmubpkxb
Closed and automated #CARTproduction: a fast, simple workflow for high-dose, high-quality cells In this #webinar, a novel protocol that shortens #CARTmanufacturing timelines Register below: https://t.co/9rYfh9Inaj
Commercial solutions to simplify your cell therapy workflow This #infographic addresses the need for more rapid, sensitive, and efficient analytical tools to enhance product purity and sterility Access below: https://t.co/RgMu5zMNmu
Balancing precision and efficiency in #celltherapyassays: low volume sampling for #mycoplasmadetection This FastFacts covers the Applied Biosystems™MycoSEQ™Plus workflow for accurate and rapid detection of #mycoplasmaDNA in #cellcultures Access below: https://t.co/9kNdZyD9Xi
Closed system solutions for cell and #genetherapymanufacturing This article explores the integration of advanced vessels, which allow developers to optimize workflows for #cellculture Read below: https://t.co/nQdSsrM8nQ
Big pharma case study: #alphatesting of a generic #antiAAVkit and comparison to in-house methods This #webinar will present a #casestudy comparing a commercially, generic anti-AAV #assay run on an automatic #immunoassayplatform. Register below: https://t.co/O4Jqv3XYDV
Preparing for success in #genetherapypurification In this expert roundtable, industry professionals discuss key considerations in developing an #AAVpurification process. Read below: https://t.co/EJnfEKRt96
Case study: Developing an ex vivo gene-modified #hematopoieticstemcell treatment for a rare #monogenicdisease This #webinar will describe the development of an ex vivo #genetherapy using #genemodifiedHSPCs Register below: https://t.co/pCa0diWcFG
Trends in innovation for enhanced #genetherapy downstream process intensification and product yield This #infographic presents challenges associated with downstream processing, emphasizing the importance of innovations in #AAVmanufacturing Access below: https://t.co/l9kqmy9Bjm
From the lab to the bench: scaling up regulatory #Tcelltherapy This #article addresses the key challenges in the evolving field of #Tregbasedtherapy Read more below: https://t.co/8hQB0MbEc7
Highlights from the Cell and #GeneTherapy Summits: what’s next for #advancedtherapies? This #eBook summarizes key insights from academia and #biotech, investors, regulators, solutions providers, and patient advocates. Access below: https://t.co/vWhnJaWzUX
Once you’ve read your first piece of content, all the rest is available to you open access. Access the hub below: https://t.co/rzvEAxZwEI
This is just one of the resources available on our Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) Hub. The hub explores the specific utility, considerations, and advantages of utilizing #ddPCR from the early stages of product and process development through to clinical and commercial manufacture.
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