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@GunloverClub1 This must be that 1 million round clipazine thing I keep hearing about..
@themisterspyder @ShitpostGate Fair point 😅
@Hey88446782299 Google is always an option.
@john_swans74255 What do you prefer about that option?
@MoriQuamFoedare You're welcome!
@darcytnh Solid pick as well!
@K7gent I'd be happy to look into that for you. Which state is this for, please?
POV: Your home security plan after you brought home 2 dozen eggs P.S. - Are you breaking these firearm laws without knowing it! ⬇️ Click here to get a Free Concealed Carry Map that reveals the laws in your state and the ones you’re traveling to >> https://t.co/57h32eSOw6 (Link…
What would you do in this situation? P.S. - Free Concealed Carry Map ⬇️ Reveal the firearm laws In your state and the ones you’re traveling to >> https://t.co/57h32eTmlE
FDE or Black? P.S. - Are you breaking these firearm laws without knowing it! ⬇️ Click here to get a Free Concealed Carry Map that reveals the laws in your state and the ones you’re traveling to >> https://t.co/9wKVrZA1yX (Link in bio if you can't click it)
@MoriQuamFoedare Thank you. Since that is a state/local issue, a violation of that restriction would NOT be a coverage exclusion (as long as you are legally allowed to possess the weapon used according to *federal* law).
@ToddY58260 Would that be your first Sig pistol?
@KudzuArms @PreacherNorm Outstanding! 😊
@MoriQuamFoedare Hello! Just to clarify - when you say "help with" are you asking if there would be any coverage issues after a self defense incident with something that would violate the mag restriction? Or are you wondering about something else?
@PreacherNorm Welcome aboard! 🙂
This can't be real ... right? 😂 P.S. - Are you breaking these firearm laws without knowing it! ⬇️ Click here to get a Free Concealed Carry Map that reveals the laws in your state and the ones you’re traveling to >> https://t.co/57h32eSOw6
What if you saw this on your doorbell camera? P.S. - Will this video cause YOU to change handguns? ⬇️ ⬇️ Watch this short video comparing the top 4 self-defense calibers: https://t.co/nzPYmRyxmr (Link in bio if you can't click it)
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