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Houston, Texas, U.S.
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I just remembered I had a Twitter account. #hellostarshine
@JakeStewart93Q @clutchfans 🙄🙄🙄 I'm gonna pray for the Rockets tonight.
(doing this because I want badge. No shame in my game) I earned a badge for bookmarking my audiobooks like a boss (lol). Join in the fun with a free Audible trial.: https://t.co/F83OSrC9Mb
Totally forgot I had a Twitter account. #hi
@grahaminator88 LOL make sure you turn sound on
Why have kids when I have #Alexa to raise my voice to? Me: Alexa, turn on the lights. Alexa: I'm sorry I don't know that one. Me: ALEXA! TURN 👏 ON 👏 THE 👏 LIGHTS 👏 *Lights slowly fade on*
A million (new) movies I could see, and I'm rewatching The Crow for the millionth time #cantrainallthetime #brandonlee
@MrSnarkyPants 9am can't come soon enough.
The only thing hotter than no A/C is Cillian Murphy. He's getting me though this troubling time. #PeakyBlinders
It's 12:45am. AC won't cool down the house. I'm hot and mad as hell. #whyohwhy
I just took a big swig out of my Robitussin medicine bottle. That just shows you right there how my day is going. #sick
@robrod76 @vegas_stars THANK YOU. I could not remember for the life of me
@robrod76 my brain is mush...remind me of the name of the band that played at Yagas cook off a few years ago? I think they still do?
I had the perfect lunch dates today ♥️ https://t.co/8fAkETvjpf
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