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@jonathanstea Don't give the Orange Twit ideas...
@TorontoStar If Doug is taking requests, I want my Science Centre back as well.
@PeterDiamandis Not sure I'd care if they extend my life so long as they find a way to rejuvenate my joints.
@danfalk How about Camus (for the constellation Musca)?
@PeterDiamandis There are always potential dangers with any new technology. The Luddites had a point.
@JuliaRingma @SMcfarnell Even single celled organisms respond to their environments. Sensory data certainly counts as information.
@RYP__ Don't give the GOP ideas....
@SMcfarnell We're all changed when we get old enough. Diapers can get messy.
@TorontoStar Everyone knows that a Trudeau can't resign until after he's taken a walk in the snow. Wait until winter.
@TetZoo Live it.
@KitsuDraws @Swilua She was proud of her Polish heritage. This was why she named one of the first elements she and Pierre discovered Polonium after.Poland.
@RYP__ Trump can't even pay his lawyers. Anyone think goons would work for him without being paid up front?
@RYP__ @MajorHawkeye Good idea. Tulip bulbs are due for a comeback.
@RYP__ @BigNickR10 He's the dip
@RYP__ I'm afraid to ask who could whip up a tornado as an assassination tool.
@jessehawken Deadpool said it best: "put.yout greasy tit's awy, you preening slut."
@michaelshermer @mattwridley Why are the same people who denounce vaccines and deny that Covid is a real medical problem suddenly worried about lab leaks?
@GavinPrestonMD So, they would be coming with a warranty?
@DRKoepsell I blame his stupid children. If they had behaved like proper hyenas, they'd have had him declared incompetent years ago and spared all of us this travesty.
@RawStory I'm sure he'll be even more popular in jail.