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@Mij_Europe (A new dissolution cannot take place until 9 June 2025 - art 12)
@EAumonier Bonjour, je n'en ai aucune idée. Bien à vous, G.P.
It's time to get down to business: https://t.co/2wtNVpEnDu
A first (Axios) https://t.co/8qyptiHWXv
@mathieugallard Champ libre bordé par la majorité qualifiée au Sénat et le veto présidentiel, tout de même:)
Les humanités en nette perte de vitesse aux Etats-Unis (WaPo)
@KedronBardwell @tlecaque I miss Indianola…
Take a look at a pointillist portrait of France https://t.co/eByClXcsYw
@musty74 please do
@SimonGrivet They know, they went there
Previoulsy on The French Test: no boost for Taubira, the Great Quest (of funds), the Teflon campaign, how many division does the far-right have? Or why a Trotskyist should be in the cast of the next season of Emily in Paris. The French Test, week 3 ✅ https://t.co/yzRguUkv6V
@kickstart_one Merci pour votre lecture attentive, cela a été fait!
What's going on in the French presidential campaign? Lot of drama (on the left, on the far-right), unexpected guests (nuclear energy, history) and the existential hunt for mayors' signatures. The French Test, week 2 ☑️ https://t.co/yzRguUkv6V
News articles relevant to Gilles Paris Monitor articles by Gilles Paris