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All tweets by Sam Phillips Monitor tweets from Sam Phillips
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@hannahswirsky @MHPC Congratulations Hannah đź‘Ź
Calling all arts journalists and editors! We’re looking for a Deputy Editor for RA Magazine, the quarterly publication of the Royal Academy of Arts. This is a maternity cover position. https://t.co/jwm9k44n80
@AnnaCoatman Oh dear, sorry to hear that! The luck of Costanza…
Delighted to be shortlisted as Editor of the Year for a culture title, for @RA_Mag, on behalf of our wonderful team @royalacademy – we're in great company on this list
@dfmcallister Congratulations đź‘Ź
@RebeccaSmithers So sorry to hear this. Our thoughts our with you
@ACCArtBooks Thank you yes
@dinamedland Thank you Dina, that’s very heartening to hear
@benlukeart @ahcastor @KarinHindsbo @LACMA Great episode, particularly the NFT discussion with Amy - really informative
@dinamedland Thanks Dina, that’s great to hear
@JanPatience Got it! Great news, replying shortly
@LaurenElkin Our daughter is nearly two and after she ran into the road we insisted that we always carry her across. That has given her fear of the roads and she always stays on pavement. But she’s getting heavy…
@JenniferHiggie @RA_Mag @thamesandhudson Thanks for the lovely article! What an interesting artist she is. I love the dancer paintings
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