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@kevinbonham I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what James means by what he’s written.
@olivernmoody awesome. have ordered!
@the_lillipad Because, we were told, there is a 30-40 sec lapse between cameras starting and audio kicking in. This was apparently right at the start of the recording. The defence did not query this.
@SimonOwensradio @theage It was so great. You did him proud
@jackrooke Well deserved
@rhettrospective Remarkable. I remember listening to this live
@edbourke6 @superfooty Great news mate. Well done
@SamEBJones You did a ripper job
@saschaosullivan @iNHouseComms @POLITICOEurope Well done mate x
From The Late Show to The Cheap Seats: the inside story of Working Dog https://t.co/G2obF5Gj6p
@JackxJewell They have one at a florist in Bristol. A florist.
@RitaPanahi Shame I missed you
@beardedjourno Incredible. Lots of my family worked there!
@latikambourke lol I spent the week before last in bed with a cold
@latikambourke Misandrist
@antoguerrera Stunning 🥰
@latikambourke I thought you don’t “do” the tube?
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