Pricing Plans
Connect with 1 million+ media influentials. More than 50,000 PR professionals & entrepreneurs have already joined.
StandardMost Popular
Number of users
11Up to 5Unlimited
Number of pitches per month [?]
Access email addresses of media contacts
Access phone numbers of media contacts
Number of Media lists [?]
Number of contacts per Media list
Export Media list
Number of Alerts [?]
PR consultation[?]
Access APIs
Billing monthly
Billed annually
Billing option:
Sign up7-day Free Trial7-day Free TrialLearn more
Solo PR pro or early stage company?
Eligible applicants get Anewstip special plan for just $99 per month. Apply now >>
Trusted by more than 16K* businesses and organizations
* As of Aug 2018
Frequently Asked Questions
  • Can I get a free trial?

    Yes. You can start a 7-day free trial of Standard and Professional plan. You will be billed automatically once the free trial ends. You can cancel your free trial any time before you get billed here.

  • Where can I see a demo?

    You can view the video demo here and getting started guide here. If you'd like to schedule an online demo, please contact us.

  • How do you compare against your competitors?

    Each product may have its own advantages relevant to the unique needs of different customers. That's why we're offering a free version so you can fully test it out. Come and join more than 50,000 PR professionals and see if it's the best option for you.

  • Can I pay month to month?

    You can pay month to month for Standard. It can be canceled at any time. Professional is billed annually. Great PR results require persistence and we've found that customers who can commit to a full year of using Anewstip will be more successful in the long run.

  • How many contacts do you have in your database?

    We have around 1 million journalists and media outlets around the world covering almost any topics. Most of the profiles have detailed contact information including email and phone.

  • How often do you update your database?

    Our database is being updated 7*24 thanks to the combined work of our advanced automated tools powered by machine learning and a globally distributed data research team.

  • What's included in PR consultation?

    An experienced PR professional on our team will help you craft press release or media pitch, identify and pitch relevant journalists each month to help you earn media coverage and build media relationships. Contact us to learn more.

  • Do you provide APIs?

    Yes. Almost all data and features on Anewstip can be accessed via APIs. You can use our APIs to empower your existing product or build new product like Anewstip. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

  • What payment methods do you support?

    We support all major credit cards (powered by Stripe) and PayPal. If you need to pay by wire transfer, BTC/ETH/BCH, or other methods, please contact us.

  • Do you offer discount for nonprofits?

    Yes. We're happy to offer discount for eligible nonprofits. Please contact us for more information.

  • How do I change my plan?

    Please contact us at to change your plan.

  • Need more help?

    Whenever you need more help, don't hesitate to contact us >

What others are saying
  • I'm always looking for journalists and I thought this platform was an interesting way to find people who tweet about my investment business and my startups.

  • Wow, this looks super useful to anyone looking to connect with Journalists and see who's writing about competitors. Nice one!

  • #InfluencerRelations mit @anewstip - #KetchumPleon Week In Review von @dirk_popp

  • Great tool for journos: find journos and media outlets based on what they tweet.

  • Not bad! Find journalists by what they tweet.

  • Find (and pitch!) journalists by what they tweet - Awesome service